I’ve had so many links sent to me about using iPads in the classroom, or historic research using PDAs, etc … and sometimes I just don’t have a chance to stick them all on paper, bookmark them or push them out to others.
So I have decided to set up a page which I will edit when I get the chance. Here will be links to various blogs, articles, how-to guides and reviews. If I have a chance to put a little commentary in about the site then I will do, but it is mainly a way for me to stick things down for future reference.
And yes … I know I could use a host of bookmarking and sharing tools, but I wanted to keep everything in the one location.
31st October 2011 – Spotted on twitter from @edutopia
11th November 2011 – recommendation from @LCMEducationLtd
11th November 2011 – The blogsite of Mark Anderson (aka @ictevangelist)
20th December 2011 – recommended by various tweeple
http://edudemic.com/2011/11/ipad-high-school/ – 100+ iPads Apps Perfect For High School. It is also worth pointing out that EduDemic.com are releasing an iPad in Education magazine in January (downloadable on NewsStand on iOS devices)
6th December 2011 – tweeted by @therobharrison
http://bit.ly/tncAwF – iPad Deployment bible